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Welcome to Macromolecular Chemistry and Engineering Research (MCER) Group
Our research focuses on exploring the sustainable/ green synthetic platform for the design of functional polymers and materials. In our approach, we uses various organic reactions to synthesize functional polymers and study macromolecular self-assembly to understand their structure-property-application relationships. This understanding helps us to prepare tailormade polymeric materials for a targeted end application. Particularly we are interested to synthesize degradable polymers with functional and topological control, polymer nanomaterials, microgels, hydrogels, and porous polymers.
We are actively looking for new PhD students with CSIR-UGC JRF or GATE qualification. Interested candidates are requested to email ( for more details.
Our work

Stimuli Responsive Polymers for Sensing
Exotemplate Synthesis of Porous Polyaminoamides
Quantitative Functionalization of Chitosan

Synthesis of Multi-functional Poly(ethylene glycol)

Hierarchical Porous Polymers via Crosslinking Porous Microgels

Isocyanate-free Synthesis of Ultrahigh Molecular Weight Polyurea in Minutes

Group News
Congratulations Sulbha and all coauthors for the publication in Polymer Chemistry 2025.
Congratulations Soumen for your publication in Journal of Applied Polymer Science
A Book chapter written by Sulbha on "Triazolinedione-based Click Reactions in Polymer Science" is now online (published by RSC). Congratulations Sulbha !!!
Sulbha joined as Assistant Professor at Degree College, Gomia (Affiliated with Binod Bihari Mahto Koyalanchal University, Dhanbad). Congratulations Sulbha and wish you good luck.
Congratulations Aayush and Rajnish for your publication in ACS Applied Polymer Materials.
Jyoti joined Galgotias University- Greater Noida Uttar Pradesh as Assistant Professor. Congratulations Jyoti and wish you good luck.
Jyoti Successfully defended her thesis as the 3rd PhD student from MCER group on 25th April 2024. Congratulations Dr. Jyoti!!!
Congratulations Sulbha for your publication in Molecular Systems Design & Engineering 2024!!!!
Sulbha Successfully defended her thesis as the 2nd PhD student from MCER group on 25th January 2024. Congratulations Dr. Sulbha!!!
Congratulations Sulbha for the publication in Surfaces and Interfaces 2024.
Congratulations Jyoti for your publication in Molecular Systems Design & Engineering 2024, an excellent way to start the new year on 1st January, 2024.
Our research work is highlighted as Back Cover in Soft Matter 2024,20, 267-268 - Congratulations Soumen!!
Congratulations Soumen for the publication in Soft Mater 2023.
Congratulations Jyoti for the publication in ACS Applied Polymer Materials 2023.
Congratulations Soumen for winning the 2nd prize for poster presentation (Chemistry) at RSD 2023, IIT Patna.
Congratulations Sulbha and Avais for the publication in ACS Applied Polymer Materials 2023.
Mohd Avais joined Texas A&M University as a postdoc researcher. Congratulations Avais and wish you good luck.
Our work in Chemical Communications is featured in the Emerging Investigator issue 2022.
Congratulations Soumen and Avais for the publication in Chemical Communications 2022
Dr. Subrata Chattopadhyay is featured in the special issue “Young Talents – Then and Now” published in the journal “Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics” (2022, Wiley Publications)
Dr. Subrata Chattopadhyay is featured as an Emerging investigator in the Journal of Materials Chemistry A, published by Royal Society of Chemistry
Congratulations Sulbha and Avais for the publication in Polymer 2022
Congratulations Avais for the publication in Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2022
Macromolecular Chemistry and Engineering Research (MCER) Group welcome Aayush Anand (PhD student), Anupam Chaurasia (M.Sc. student) and Smruti Ranjan Behera (M.Sc. student) in lab- Wish all of you a successful research stay ahead.
The 1st MCER PhD student is graduated. Congratulations Avais for successfully defending your PhD thesis.
Congratulations Avais for the publication in Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 2022
Congratulations Sulbha and coauthors for the publication in Journal of Polymer Research 2022
Priyangsu and Lalit Successfully finished their M.Sc. dissertations from MCER group. Wish both of you best of luck for your future endeavors.
MCER group member Avais won the best paper award at International Conference on Advances in Chemical and Material Sciences - ACMS - 2022, Platinum Jubilee Celebration of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers. Congratulations Avais!!!
Congratulations Jyoti for your 1st publication in Carbohydrate Polymers 2022.
MCER group member Sulbha won the best poster prize at International Conference on Materials Science and Technology - ICMT-2021. Congratulations Sulbha!!!
MCER group member Avais won the second prize in short invited lecture at International Conference on Materials Science and Technology - ICMT-2021. Congratulations Avais!!!
Congratulations Avais and Sulbha for the paper published in Soft Mater 2021
Congratulations Avais for the paper published in ACS Applied Polymer Materials 2021
Congratulations Avais for your 1st research publications in Polymer 2019
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